SSC GD Constable Exam Result 2023, Constable GD Cut Off & Merit List 2023, SSC GD Constable GD Result Date, SSC GD Constable Result Link, SSC GD Constable Kab Aayega ?, SSC GD Constable Merit List 2023, SSC GD Constable Cut Off 2023.
Latest Update – The Staff Selection Commission has organized the SSC GD Constable Written Exam on 10th January 2023 To 14th February 2023. The result as declared on 08 April 2023 Candidates Can check their Result From This Page.
SSC GD Constable Result 2023
SSC GD Constable Exam has conducted on 10th January 2023 To 14th February 2023.. After giving this exam, the candidates are waiting for the result. Let us tell the examinees that the result has been released by the examination department on 08 April 2023. You can join our Telegram channel to get the information about the official result first. This result will be issued by the Staff Selection Commission. After the release of the Staff Selection Commission Constable GD Result, the candidate can check his Staff Selection Commission Constable Result on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission, We have provided the SSC GD Constable Result link below.
Apart from this, to check the SSC GD Constable Result from the official website, we have given the easy steps for the candidates to check it below. With the help of these steps, candidates can easily check their SSC GD Constable Result. Constable GD Result 2023
Exam Board Name | Staff Selection Commission |
Exam Name | Constable GD Exam 2023 |
Total Vacancy | 45284 Posts |
Post Name | Constable (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), SSF, Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles and Sepoy in Narcotics Control Bureau |
Post Category | Result |
Exam Date | 10 January to 14 February 2023 |
SSC GD Result Released Status | Available Now |
Official Website | |
SSC GD Constable Result 2023 Link
SSC GD Constable exam has conducted on 10 January to 14 February 2023. After giving the exam, all the candidates start searching for the direct link of the online SSC GD Constable Result. We have brought good news for the candidates. Now you can directly download SSC GD Constable Result 2023 without any steps. In this page of our, a direct link has been given for the SSC GD Constable Exam Result. After the arrival of the official result, you can directly check the pdf of the result from our link.
SSC GD Constable Result Date
SSC GD Constable Exam Date | 10 January to 14 February 2023 |
SSC GD Constable Result Release Date | 08 APril 2023 |
SSC GD Constable Result 2023 Download Pdf
SSC GD Constable exam has conducted on 01 January, 07 January, 14 January & 21 January 2023. Now all the candidates want to download the result. We have provided the download link for the candidates below. This result will be issued by the Food Corporation Of India. The official website of the Food Corporation Of India is given below. The steps to download the SSC GD Constable Result from the website of the Food Corporation Of India are mentioned below. By following these steps, the candidate can download the SSC GD Constable Result. Download links are also provided below. In February 2023, candidates will be able to download this SSC GD Constable Result 2023.
SSC GD Constable Cut Off – Expected
Category | Male Cut Off | Female Cut Off |
EWS | 106-110 | 98-102 |
SC | 96-100 | 90-94 |
ST | 94-96 | 88-92 |
OBC | 108-112 | 100-104 |
GEN | 112-116 | 102-108 |
SSC GD Cut-Off Marks 2023 Region Wise
Region | SSC GD Cut Off Marks 2023 Region Wise |
Punjab | 78-83 |
Haryana | 79-82 |
Chandigarh | 67-76 |
Rajasthan | 52-57 |
Bihar | 50-55 |
Assam | 53-58 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 56-61 |
Andhra Pradesh | 66-89 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 64-79 |
Jharkhand | 64-75 |
Uttrakhand | 53-69 |
Uttar Pradesh | 76-94 |
Gujarat | 86-92 |
Madhya Pradesh | 75-85 |
Maharashtra | 73-84 |
Kerala | 73-80 |
Karnataka | 73-86 |
Tamil Nadu | 71-88 |
Odisha | 69-84 |
West Bengal | 67-91 |
Manipur | 56-90 |
Mizoram | 64-70 |
Telangana | 59-70 |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 54-66 |
Chattisgarh | 63-94 |
Nagaland | 75-87 |
Tripura | 78-94 |
Delhi | 88-96 |
Puducherry | 83-94 |
SSC GD Contstable Merit List PDF Download
Lots of candidates participated in SSC Constable GD Examination as per the exam schedule and now they waiting for Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List PDF. Participants can check the SSC GD Constable Results PDF & Cut Off from the official website using their Registration Number, Password, and Captcha Code. Cut-off Marks is minimum qualifying marks to clear the examination. Cut off Marks will be decided on the basis of various factors like, Number of Candidates participating in the exam, Difficulty level of the exam, total number of posts, reservation category of candidates, marks scored by candidates etc. Candidates who face trouble in checking SSC GD Results, they advised to follow the given below step-by-step procedure.
How to Check SSC GD Constable Result 2023?
- Visit the official website of SSC GD.
- Then wait to open the home page of the Staff Selection Commission.
- Now click on the Result button in the top right corner.
- Find the respective link for SSC GD Constable Result 2022-2023.
- Search your Roll number and Category, Rank in the PDF List.
- Otherwise search your SSC GD 2023 result with CTRL+F in the PDF.
- Now save it and take a printout for future use it.
SSC GD Constable Result Link
Download Result | List 1 | List 2 | List 3 |
SSC GD Constable Result 2023>> | Available Soon |
Official Website | |
FAQ About SSC GD Constable Result 2023
Ans. SSC GD Constable Exam Result has released on 08 April 2023.
Ans. To check the result, we have provided you the link of the result above.